We can help you create maps to reframe the conversation on crime and justice around neighborhoods.
We can help you visualize complex data to produce compelling social and criminal justice policy reform narratives.
We can help you design interactive data sites to formulate, implement and track policy reforms.
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Map Gallery
Click on an image to open a map

Prison Admissions

Prison Admissions

Prison Admission v TANF Recipients

Sample Probation Caseloads

HIV Sex Education Poster

Prisoner Reentry and Services


Million Dollar Blocks

Criminal Court Bicycle Summons
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Reports & Presentations
Correctional Populations | Albany, NY
Justice Mapping report for the Drug Policy Alliance in support of the Law Enforcement Assisted Diversion (LEAD) initiative.
Justice Mapping produced maps and various infographics for the Drug Policy Alliance | New York Academy of Medicine publication on drug policy.
Blueprint for a Public Health and Safety Approach to Drug Policy
New York State

One in 31 | The Long Reach of American Corrections
Justice Mapping produced analyses, maps, and infographics for the Pew Charitable Trusts, Center on the States report on correctional supervision.

A Shared Sentence | Kids Count Report
Justice Mapping produced analyses and maps, of neighborhood incarceration for the Annie E. Casey Foundation Kids Count report on incarceration policy.
Justice Mapping produced analysis and maps for the author about incarceration at the neighborhood level .
Prisoners Once Removed | The Impact of Incarceration and Reentry on Children, Families, and Communities
The Growth of Incarceration in the United States | Exploring Causes and Consequences
Justice Mapping produced neighborhood incarceration maps of New York City and Houston, TX for the National Research Council of the National Academies.

Disproportionate Disadvantage
Justice Mapping report for the Kernan Professional Group regarding socio-economic conditions of communities in the proximity of Federally funded worksites.
Justice Mapping PowerPoint presentation comparing incarceration in neighborhoods across three cities.
Incarceration in American Neighborhoods | New York, Houston, Indianapolis (PowerPoint)

Justice Mapping Selected Studies
Justice Mapping PowerPoint presentation highlighting selected studies across cities in New York, Texas, Michigan, and Nevada.

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Data Sites

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